Mar 2025 - Spring Biowatch
Back in the Library Hub after our recent window refurbishment and we 'kick-off' Spring Biowatch with a 'Making Space for Nature' presentation by Cormac.
Back in the Library Hub after our recent window refurbishment and we 'kick-off' Spring Biowatch with a 'Making Space for Nature' presentation by Cormac.
Melisa and Kelly from Cormac explaining the environmental and social improvements that have directly impacted Tincombe Park in the heart of Saltash.
The team from Dyslexia Cornwall came in to help residents with any help and advice. We are looking to host regular visits.
It's the New Year and the Library Hub and its new windows are open for business!
The Mayor, Cllr Peggs and Chair of the Library Sub-Committee Cllr Dent, open the Library Hub again.
Window refurbishment work began at the back end of 2024. Our Library Hub firmly under wraps.
How does this fit together again?
Amazing wreaths made in the Library Hub.
The Tamar Valley National Landscape team were in to get views for the 2025 Management Plan on Nature, Climate, People and Place.
Our temporary home in the Guildhall.
The Library Hub window refurbishment gets underway.
Last book club before our refurbishment.
Well done Piper, winner of the Summer Treasure Hunt Prize Draw.
All hands to crafting as children make a cone hedgehog as part of the Biowatch Autumn learning.
Jon Foster presents his talk on Coombe Woods as part of our Autumn Biowatch campaign.
Happy 80th Birthday David, our wonderful Music Man surprised by Saltash Town Council Mayor, Cllr Julia Peggs.
Well done Elwood, winner of the Gold Medal winners prize Draw.
Look what our marvellous makers have made!
Getting stuck in with the clay making!
It's Clay Club for the Marvellous Makers!
Supporting our very own super skateboarder Lola Tambling 'Live' in the Hub.
The Mayor, Cllr Julia Peggs, presents Bill and Lyn Kennington with a certificate of thanks for 20 years service delivering books for the Home Library Service.
it's making music time with Livewire in the Library Hub.
Making music with the drum kit! Who said Libraries should be quiet?
Another book to discuss. All very serious!
Sunday morning and author and storyteller Clive Pigg entertains the listeners.
lt's about the story! Saltash Library Hub on Sunday making a noise!
Great fun at the Regatta listening to our storytellers.
Lisa Schneidau talks of mystical adventures to the families
Saturday at the Regatta and the Library Hub is signing on young readers for the Summer Reading Challenge.
All hands to the pumps as we launch the Summer Reading Challenge. Sign on here please.
Marvellous makers making re-cyclable bird feeders for Biowatch
Beach Guardian visits the Library Hub to talk about the need to keep our beaches clean.
Learning to keep our beaches clean.
Learning all about our beaches.
Cornish Language Rhyme-time with our very own Music Man.
Biowatch presentation from Cornwall Butterfly Conservation
An interactive show for the under 3's to discover all about our garden birds.
Barry Brooking presents a D-Day presentation, 'D-Day and the Saltash area'.
Barry Brooking with the Mayor, Councillor Peggs (right), and the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Bullock.
Watch out, you're standing on a giant snake!
Ok, who goes first?
Come on Mum, help us out here!
Loads of stuff to make from Jewellery to painting pebbles. Not forgetting having a go on the guitar.
Elmer Day craft fun. Making an Elmer mask with Sam.
It's Elmer mask time!
Local author Annalisa Crawford launched her fourth book, 'One Tuesday, Early' in the Hub. Don't miss this one!
Presented by Barry Brooking the Library Hub hosted a presentation on forgotten war hero William Odgers V/C.
Families creating Bee bombs for their gardens after Ellie's reading.
Ellie reads from her new children's book 'Ziggy's frightening flight' about a Bee who can't find flowers to feed on until one day he does . . .
An amazing morning linked 'live' to Plymouth National Marine Aquarium.
Learning about our planets Oceans
The Ocean Conservation Trust 'live' from Plymouth National Marine Aquarium explaining the work they are doing.
Tamar Grow Local - The first of two wonderful presentations from Dale Wood on 'The life and times of the Honey Bee'.
The Mayor - Cllr Richard Bickford launches BioWatch 24. From Spring through to Winter BioWatch is an initiative to record the fauna and flora of Saltash.
Partnering with Dr James Buckly - Ecology Department from the University of Plymouth we hope to establish a detailed map of our surroundings for learning and well-being.
For the Easter holidays Storm in a Teacup theatre group visited again with 'Boo to a Goose'.
Tea anyone? A wonderful way to learn how stories are written.
Our Saturday Book Club met local Saltash author David Philip for a chat about his debut crime thriller 'Harvest of Shadows'.
3D space walk to the international space station
Building a Saltash rocket on the same day that Space X launch
Rocket construction and team work in the Library Hub
Space Detectives running through the history of space exploration and the exciting future
The University of Plymouth came in to educate children on the future of nanotechnology - Don't mention Terminator!
Looking to the stars - our Science prize winner at home with his solar system projector
Robots are definitely coming!
Who's really in charge?
Looking at the past with the high-definition microscope
Build a clock to help tell the time!
Welcome to Uk Science week - The theme is 'Time - Past: present and future
The popular story-time on a Monday morning for the very young Library Hub member
Watch out for the giant snakes!
Who wants to have a go at 'Connect 4'?
Who's up for some knitting?
Loads of people trying the clay sculpting - jewellery making and card making. Next fayre is in May.
A lovely theatre group production of Nadelik. 'Christmas in Cornwall' based on the book by Craig Barr-Green
Father Christmas turned up to enchant and surprise the children
It was film morning with cake and drinks!
'Game on' - An evening of irreverent fun and games with the Scary Little Girls to a packed audience.
If you don't take part you don't win!
'Saltash Remembers' at the Library Hub. Members of the Local History Group present 'Saltash at War' to the community.
'Watch out! There's strange things happening at the Library Hub.
Halloween Clay Club in full swing.
Playing 3D 'Flying witches on their brooms' with the VR Headset.
Halloween ghouls are after you in the Library Hub.
Extremely studious.
OMG there's a bat in the Library Hub!
Crime author Liz Watkins visits during Lit Fest Week.
Coppice Theatre present 'How to catch a Bookwitch!'
Author Graham Hurley meets some of his readers.
'Tamar Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty' presents to residents about the historic landscape, its heritage and its future.
Plymouth National Marine Aquarium Ocean Conservation Trust presented their work to local school children for Augusts Environment month.
Ocean Conservation Trust detailing their plans and ideas to local residents.
Amazing to discover more about our indigenous species.
Here are a few of our Summer Reading Challenge Gold Medal winners. Here's Alfie. Green Army!
Thumbs up Arthur
Is it Spiderman? No it's Bertie and Teddy.
Well done Ella and Emily
Love the T shirt Freya
Fantastic stuff James and Harrison
Another great jumper, well done Ella
Ruben in front of the Reading board
Great stuff Pippa, well done
Gee was back in with another Summer Reading Yoga movement class.
'Boo to a Goose Theatre Company' popped in to perform for young children.
It's all about books having beginnings, middles and ends.
Author Teressa Driscoll came in to help launch our first Saturday Book Club.
Our Saturday Book Club launch, a great start.
Our first FREE Toy Swap
A fantastic morning all round with families and children picking up FREE plastic toys that may otherwise have been thrown away.
Yoga and Movement teacher Gee with some of our Summer Readers.
Mia won the first Summer Reading Treasure Hunt prize of a day of activity at Core Saltash.
Children's author and illustrator Simon James came into the Library Hub to help launch The Summer Reading Challenge.
Simon enthralled the audience with his stories from 'The day Jake vacuumed'.
Congratulations to Charlie for winning the Environment quiz.
It's time to learn about 'Habitats of the World' with Animal Encounters.
A friendly 'Skink' wants to say hello.
Funny when a snake pops out the mums and dads are nowhere to be seen!
A friendly 'Armadillo' says hello. This is a great way to get messaging across about our planets endangered habitats.
Cornwall Beekeeping Association came in to show children how to look after our precious bees.
Making cardboard bees and learning how important bees are at our craft event.
I don't think this cardboard bee will sting!
The fantastic Rob Stevenson, alias 'Beach Guardian' came into the Library Hub to educate us about the need to keep our beaches clean. The cleaner the beach the less harm to animals.
Looking through the digital microscope to see the beach debris.
'Beach Guardian' Rob Stevenson with children from Brunel Primary.
Cornwall Caretakers Theatre group visited to explain 'The History of Cornwall' to local schoolchildren from Brunel Primary.
Learning about Kernow.
Watch out it's the King of England!
We were lucky to have a 'Saltash at War' presentation from the Saltash War History Group. From Roman Saltash to todays conflicts.
The Mayor was in attendance and met up with the Saltash War History Group.
The Library Hub welcomed classes in to see the Saltash at War exhibition and presentation.
The Saltash Dementia Voice Choir came into the Library during Dementia Week. The singing was amazing.
Fun with 'Weapons of Sound' re-cycle Junk Band in the Library Hub.
If you can't hit it . . . shout!
Never to early to have fun learning about re-cycling.
Lots of fun and noise banging re-cycled stuff!
Something to think about for all generations.
Enjoying the morning hitting some re-cycled junk with 'Weapons of Sound'.
Learning about the importance of bugs and insects at craft Saturday.
Fun with the 'We Love Bugs & Insects' craft Saturday.
Aren't we adorable? So important for our gardens and plants.
'We Love Bugs and Insects' craft morning.
Dr Juliette Jackson from Seadream Education showcases the wonders of the Ocean to school children.
Learning about the refraction of light underwater.
Tamar Grow Local gave a wonderful talk on Bees and Bee Keeping and the need to help our the population flourish in our community.
A wonderful talk by RSPB including an update on the Cornish Chuff re-establishing its population in the County.
Busy crafting table
Look what we've made for Easter
Saltash Mayor, Cllr Richard Bickford, presents a telescope to the winner of the Library Hub Science Week competition to amazing star-gazer Mia.
An introduction to yoga with Gee in the Library Hub.
. . . . and relax.
Presentation from Spaceport Cornwall highlighting the employment opportunities in the space industry.
International Space Station spacewalk on the 3d headset.
Dr Handy from Plymouth University explains the future of nanotechnology.
Exploring the world of the 'micro' with our digital microscope.
The science of climate change with Dr James Buckley. How science can help our environment.
Learning about lightning with our plasma ball.
Lets build a rocket at our craft fair.
Aren't rockets brilliant!
One day I want to be a doctor.
Robots are coming.
Fun painting pebbles with the Library craft team.
Look at these!
Lovely ladybug.
Fun for the family.
Local 'Script in the Hand' Theatre Productions present Oscar Wildes 'Star Child' to families.
Local author Annalisa Crawford launches her latest book of short stories. She will be back again launching her next novel early next year.
A chance to bring in your antiques and pictures for valuation.
For well-being January we welcomed local service providers into the Library.
Watching the Muppets Christmas Carol
Making crackers for the tree.
Quick, books for Christmas
Santa arrived to say hello before his busy day
Merry Christmas Santa
Saturday morning and it's cracker making at the library.
Another successful cracker crafter!
The girls and boys are concentrating hard.
We love the antlers!
As part of the Saltash Town Council Library Hubs 'Green manifesto' and in partnership with TREE Saltash, a Crab Apple tree was planted in our side garden for all to enjoy. In the Spring we will be planting wild flowers underneath.
Two fantastic 'dock dung' murals were presented to Mayor Cllr Bickford at the Library Hub from local school children as part of the Treasurys Kernow Summer Festival
Come in your spooky costumes we asked, and they did!
Face-painting and scary activities supplied by the Library team.
You can never start too young!
It's family time at the Hub!
A planned and successful day in the Library Hub with prescribers, facilitators and energy support companies.
Treasure Island came to town - a wonderful morning of events, songs and activities for families to enjoy.
A lovely morning with the Treasure Island gang.
Children's author and illustrator Tom McGloughlin explaining how he draws his characters.
Tom McGloughlin with his latest book.
Authors Liz Fenwick and Emma Cowell visited the Festival in support of Libraries week.
Author Patrick Gayle enthralling the audience.
Children's author and illustrator Simon James in action.
Simon James finished our first Literary Festival in style.
Here is Charlotte in front of her winning 'Plastic Pollution' poster.
Here's Toby, age 8. our last Treasure Hunt winner
A happy Lego 'Build a gadget' prize winner James, age 6.
Ethan and Dylan, age 9, winners of the Lego 'Build a gadget' over 8's competition.
Here's three of our many Gold Medal 'Gadgeteer' Summer Reading Challenge winners. Well done to all 94 gold medal finishers.
Craft activity to make lady bugs and spiders in appreciation of all our bugs, arachnids and invertebrates.
Westcountry Rivers Trust visited the library hub in support of World Rivers Day. Lots of tiny river invertebrates fascinated everyone. Thanks to Perry and the team.
Tastings a plenty with local varieties of eating apples once considered lost.
A fun weekend was had by all at Saltash Regatta. At the Library tent we had Clive Pigg storytelling on Saturday
Story teller Clive Pigg in action with spell-bound children
Sunday at the Regatta and story-teller Lisa Schneidau enraptures the audience.
You can't beat a good story. Sunday at the library at Saltash Regatta.
Here’s our very own Library volunteer Keith being presented with a certificate by Saltash Mayor Cllr Richard Bickford to thank him for five years of amazing volunteering.
Thank you so much Keith and we look forward to the next five!
Summer Reading Launch on Saturday 9th. For 'Gadgeteers' we had the biggest gadget turn up.
So many gadgets to look at.
Children's author Naomi Jones read to the children from her latest gadgeteers book.
Naomi had fun with the children with learning activities.
The first Lego gadgets for our Lego gadgeteer competition.
Getting an early start on The Summer Reading Challenge.
Animal Encounters came back to the Library Hub promoting our Big Green Environment Show. Here children are learning about animal habitats.
Ozzie from Brazil came along to help out.
Some animals make you go 'AWWW!' others make you go 'EEEEEEEch!'
A Madagascar Tenrec takes centre stage.
Ok everybody, lets change colour to yellow.
For part of our BIG GREEN ENVIRONMENT SHOW story-teller Lisa Schneidau popped in for 'Tales of Wonder & Nature'.
'Seadream Education' came into the Library Hub for a series of workshops about the wonders of the sea and our environmental impact.
Lots of fun was at hand for THE BIG GREEN ENVIRONMENT SHOW. How to pilot an underwater camera.
What do fish really see in the dark gloomy depths of our oceans? Pop your head in and find out!
Lola picks up her telescope prize for winning the Science Week networks competition.
Plastic Free Saltash with Cllr Peggs leading the way.
Science Fair - Plastic re-cycling with Precious Plastics
Look what we can make! Loads of great things with re-cycled plastic tops.
Creating re-cycled plastic dream-catchers
Science Fair - Learning about climate change with Plymouth University
Building Bridges with Tamar Crossings
Science Fair - The magic of magnets!
Science Fair - The Mayor checking out the robots!
The Mayor manipulating space-time - honest!
Magnetic Ferrofluid
Science Fair - A great time mucking about with science!
Tasty nutrition treats with Waitrose
February Well Being Month - Food and Nutrition with Waitrose
February Well Being Month - 'Have a go' guitar session with Livewire at the Library Hub
I know that tune!
'Meet the Author' with adventurer Ed Buckingham
February Well Being Month - An introduction to Pilates
Saltash Town Band playing carols outside of the library.
Not too cold for Christmas cheer!
Santa pays a visit.
Christmas activities in the Library
Stick men for the Christmas tree
Christmas Family fun
Jamie, one of our Christmas drawing competition winners
Halloween face painting - watch out for wizards!
You've got spiders on your face!
These princesses are definitely not scary.
That's what I call a bat!
Saturday morning Halloween bat making activities in the library
'Meet the Author' morning with childrens environmental author Ellie Jackson.
Ellie Jackson reading from one of her children's environmental story books.
Fun Palace at the Library did what it says on the tin - The 38ft Ann Glanville gig even turned up from Caradon Gig Club
The Saltash Floral Art Club produced wonderful displays and attracted a lot of interest at the Fun Palace.
Having a bash at the brass from the Saltash Brass Band!
Discussing all the wonderful groups and societies at the Fun Palace. In front of Saltash Heritage Museum and The Core information exhibitions.
Livewire at the Fun Palace with guitar workshops.
Sophie (age 6) collecting her prize of a visit to Porfell Animal Sanctuary for winning our 'Walk in the Woods' and 'Walk by the River' competition.
Harriette (age 6) collecting her Summer Reading Challenge goodies bag prize for her amazing animal drawing.
Full house to meet the brilliant LIZ FENWICK.
The Mayor and Lady Mayoress, Councillors Pete and Brenda Samuels kick off the morning. Cake anyone?
Tea and cake morning underway.
A canine friend supporting the cause.
A brilliant day at the Library with Animal Encounters as part of our Summer Reading Challenge.
More animal encounters with a Brazilian Pigmy Owl. He's full size by the way.
A very brave customer!
I think we can spot this Chameleon.
Careful now!
Our resident MUSIC MAN David was back singing in the Library again to lots of children. It's been a long time - welcome back David.
Well done to Noah for winning our Harry Potter writing and reading competition.
It's Harry Potter week from the 21st June. Plenty of time to pop in and collect a FREE activity pack and a dastardly magical quiz to win a Harry Potter wand.
May the 4th be with you Winner - Alfie
May the 4th be with you Winner - Lincoln