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Saltash Town Council

Data Transparency

The Code of Recommended Practice for Local Authorities on Data Transparency

About the Transparency Code

In February 2015 the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government issued the Local Government Transparency Code 2015. The code sets out the minimum data and information that all Local Authorities must publish, the frequency it should be published and how it should be published. This applies to local councils with gross annual income or expenditure in excess of £200,000.

The Government has implemented this Code of Practice for local authorities to provide transparency of public bodies, which is at the heart of their mandate to enable greater democratic accountability over how the council tax and public money is spent. However, Public Data does not include personal information as this would contravene the Data Protection Act 2018.

In accordance with the Code of Recommended Practice and general good practice, Saltash Town Council makes the following information available

Expenditure exceeding £500

Saltash Town Council provides an approved schedule of expenditure and income at the main meeting of the Council held on the first Thursday of each month. The payments are listed as part of the agenda and all expenditure is listed detailing supplier and transaction information. The agendas can be viewed at the Guildhall, on the main Town Council noticeboard in Fore Street and on this page Saltash Town Council - Agenda on this website.

Local authorities must publish details of each individual item of expenditure that exceeds £500. This must be published quarterly.

Please find below quarterly reports for the following transactions:

Expenditure over £500 

Individual Invoices (payments for goods and services)


2019 April to June Schedule of Payments

2019 July to September Schedule of Payments

2019 October to December Schedule of Payments

2020 January to March Schedule of Payments


2020 April to June Schedule of Payments

2020 July to September Schedule of Payments

2020 October to December Schedule of Payments

2021 January to March Schedule of Payments over £500


2021 April to June Schedule of Payments over £500

2021 July and September Schedule of Payments over £500

2021 October to December Schedule of Payments over £500

2022 January to March Schedule of Payments over £500


2022 April to June Schedule of Payments over £500

2022 July to September Schedule of Payments over £500

2022 October to December Schedule of Payments over £500

2023 January to March Schedule of Payments over £500


2023 April to June Schedule of Payments over £500

2023 July to September Schedule of Payments over £500

2023 October to December Schedule of Payments over £500

2024 January to March Schedule of Payments over £500


2024 April to June Schedule of Payments over £500

2024 July to September Schedule of Payments over £500

Government Procurement Card Transactions

Local authorities must publish details of every transaction on a Government Procurement Card. This must be published quarterly.

Saltash Town Council does not use a Government Procurement Card as defined by the code.  Instead, it utilises corporate credit cards in accordance with the Financial Regulations policy.

The detailed transactions of the corporate credit card payments can be found on the monthly report of Bank Payments. This is published on the agenda of the main meeting of the Council held on the first Thursday of each month found on this page Saltash Town Council - Agenda of the website.

Procurement Information

Publish details of every invitation to tender for contracts to provide goods and/ or services with a value that exceeds £5,000. Publish details of any contract, commissioned activity, purchase order, framework agreement and any other legally enforceable agreement with a value that exceeds £5,000. This must be published quarterly.

Contracts over £5,000

Please find below quarterly reports for the following transactions.


Contracts and tenders to businesses and voluntary community and social enterprise sector

Current tenders will be advertised on the Town Council website, notice boards, social media, local press and Contracts Finder Details will also be available from the council offices.

Purchase Orders Over £5,000

2021/22 Purchase Orders Over £5,000

Tenders Over £5,000

2021/22 Tenders over £5,000 Contracts Still Not Complete

Contracts & Agreements Over £5,000

2021/22  Contracts & Agreements over £5,000

Tender Information:

Past tender/contract opportunities can be viewed on Contracts Finder and include:

       ·        Guildhall works

·        Grounds maintenance

·        Public convenience cleaning

·        Cemetery wall repair

·        Youth work provision

·        Station Property Renovation Works

·        Library Roof Repair

·        Library refurbishments works

·        Library Replacement Windows Works

The Town Council minutes record details of tenders awarded.

The Town Council will always endeavour to obtain best value when awarding contracts. Awarding tenders/contracts are subject to the procedures laid out in Financial Regulations.


Grants to the voluntary community and social enterprise sector

Publish details of all grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations.

The Town Council sets aside a budget each year to support local organisations and festivals within Saltash.


Community Chest Grants made for the last 3 years available on application

Festival Fund Awards made for the last 3 years available on application

 Please find below reports for the following transactions.

 2021/22 Community Chest & Festival Fund Grants

2022/23 Community Chest & Festival Fund Grants

2023/24 Community Chest & Festival Fund Grants

The Town Council’s Grant Award Policy, can be downloaded from the Policies and Procedures page of our website

Policies, Performance, External Audits and Key Inspections and Key Indicators

Details can be found on the Audit AGAR, Budgets & Annual report page on this website.

The Location of Public Land or Building Assets

Local authorities must publish details of all land and buildings assets. This must be published annually. 

Currently Saltash Town Council extensive list of Public Land and Building Assets can be found on the Town Council Portfolio page of this website.

Staff Structure and Current Vacancies

Organisation Chart:

Publish an organisation chart covering staff in the top three levels of the organisation. This must be published annually.

The Town Council currently employees 14 full-time and 11 part-time staff. You can view an online copy of the Council’s Organisation Chart on the Council Staff page. All staff can be contacted via the following contact information page.

Current Vacancies:

Current vacancies can be viewed on our Job Vacancies page. 

Pay Multiple

The pay multiple is the ratio between the highest paid taxable earnings and the median earnings of the whole authority’s workforce. 

Note: These calculations include part-time employees’ total salaries as full-time equivalents, not pro rata

At the 1st April 2024 the pay multiple was 2.31:1

Senior Salaries

The Town Council is required to publish, under the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015, the following information with regard to senior salaries:

Details of remuneration and job title of certain senior employees whose salary is at least £50,000 

Employees whose salaries are £150,000 or more must also be identified by name

The number of employees whose remuneration in that year was at least £50,000 in brackets of £5,000 

A list of responsibilities (for example, the services and functions they are responsible for, budget held and number of staff) and details of bonuses and ‘benefits-in-kind’ for all employees who salary exceeds £50,000 

Saltash Town Council has one post where remuneration is £50,000 or greater.  The Town Clerk post sits within the salary bracket £60,000 to £65,000. 

The job description and responsibilities can be viewed here Town Clerk Job Description

Trade Union Facility Time:

This must be published annually.

The Town Council does not have any Trade Union representatives or spend time on union duties. 

Councillor Allowances, Expenses and Register of Interests

Elected Members of the Town Council can claim an allowance to cover their expenses which is £239 for the year. The Mayor receives an annual allowance of £5,418 for the year to enable them to undertake duties during their term of office.

These items are shown in the schedule of payments included in the full Town Council agenda.

Members register of interests can be downloaded and viewed on the Cornwall Council website. Click here to view and download.

Data of Democratic Running of the Town Council

The constitution of the Town Council is known as Standing Orders and lays out how the business of the Council is conducted. A copy of Standing Orders can be viewed on the Reports, Policies and Documents page of this website.

The decisions of the Town Council are recorded in the minutes of meetings which can be viewed on this website. The last elections took place in May 2021. Declarations of results of polls can be seen 

Find out who the local Councillors are on the Councillors by Ward page. Councillors normally serve a four year term. The next elections will take place in May 2025.

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