Community Support

During Summer 2020, Saltash Town Council consulted with the community of Saltash on the exciting project of library refurbishment works to provide a multiuse community facility.
The results of the first public consultation supported the Council in their ambitious vision with a result of 86.71% for and 13.29% against.
The project was costed in detail to enable the Council to move forward with the Phase 2 Public Consultation process.
Again results from the Second Public Consultation supported the Council's vision with a result of 65.41% for and 34.59% against.
At Full Town Council held in October 2020 it was resolved to seek the approval of the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government to apply for a PWLB loan of £200,000.
An additional shortfall of £5,105 is to be included in the Precept for the year 2021/2022.
The way is now closer to deliver the facility the community deserves.