March 2025
Library Activity Calendar
From Monday 3rd March to Friday 14th March we will be re-locating to the Guildhall for the final part of the windows refurbishment.
1 - 31 March - Saltash Spring Bio-Watch
1 - 31 March - South West Reading Challenge - For all ages and abilities
17 March - Open at Library Hub for 'Story Time' 10.30am (Every Monday)
18 March - Music Man 10.30am (Every Tuesday)
20 March - Spring Biowatch launch: Cormac Presentation:- 'Making Space for Nature' 11am followed by Tincombe Park Spring update by James Jenkins & Autumn/Winter Biowatch data update with Dr James Buckley.
20 March - After School Lego Club (Every Thursday)
21 March - Spanish Club 10am (Every Friday)
21 March - Friday PM Games Club 2pm
22 March - Saturday morning Toy Swap 10.30am - 1pm
27 March - Fake or Fortune Antiques and stamps afternoon 2-4pm
27 March - Shakespeare Week at the Hub: Free National Theatre evening with the Royal Shakespeare Company on the big screen. 'As You Like It'. 7pm
28 March - For schools: Children's readings with author Ellie Jackson 10am - 12.30pm
29 March - Saturday Book Club 11am
1 - 30 April - Saltash Spring Bio-Watch
1 - 30 April - South West Reading Challenge for all ages and abilities
1 April - Music Man 10.30am (Every Tuesday)
3 April - After School Lego Club (Every Thursday)
4 April - Spanish Club 10am (Every Friday)
4 April - Memory Box Choir 11am
4 April - Friday PM Games Club (Every Friday) 2pm
7 April - 'Story Time' for pre-school 10.30am (Every Monday)
12 April - Writers Group 11am
12 April - LIT FEST 'Meet International storyteller' Clive Pigg for children & families 11am
14 April - LIT FEST 'Elevator Pitch' creative writing workshops 2-4pm
17 April - LIT FEST 'Meet the Author' Sunday Times bestselling author Cathy Rentzenbrink 2pm
19 April - LIT FEST 'Folk Tales of Coast & Sea' with Liza Schneidau for children and families. 11am
22 April - LIT FEST 'Meet the Author' Crime novelist Stephanie Austin 2pm
24 April - LIT FEST 'Meet the Cornwall Writers Authors Group & writing workshop 2pm
25 April - LIT FEST 'Meet Saltash & local writers Forum 2pm
26 April - LIT FEST 'Meet childrens author Simon James 11am
26 April - Saturday Book Club 11am